Chapter 33- Jealousy and resentment

Yasmin felt another explosion inside her brain. This time, it was because of rage.

'Substitute bride' landed like a slap on her. She clenched her fists in her lap, smoldering with rage. What had happened at the wedding was disgraceful. It didn't mean that she would let anybody slander her.

"Yes, the substitute bride, whose sister eloped on the wedding day," Amber mocked with a scornful look on her face before Yasmin could say anything.

"That was terrible." Tina made a face of disdain. "Declan became the laughingstock of the entire city. He should have taken action against the Wileys, instead, he married the younger daughter of them."

The anger and jealousy were evident in her pretty face, which gave her a vicious look.

Yasmin cringed inwardly, her confidence dying down. Tina didn't appear to be easy to deal with. On top of that, Amber and Caroline were in full support of her. They would certainly do something to drive her out of Declan's life.

She had read several novels in which the evil mothers-in-law and sisters-in-law caused a slew of problems for the female protagonist. She enjoyed reading such novels but never imagined going through such experiences in real life. After looking at them, she began to imagine her life as one of the female protagonists in the novels.

Yasmin initially wanted to give a befitting response. But she became so absorbed in her thoughts that she forgot to respond.

Tina and Amber kept discussing what happened at the wedding. They mocked the Wileys at times and cursed them at others. Caroline didn't say anything, but she did smile contemptuously from time to time.

"Stop it, you two," Sean finally interjected. He glanced at Yasmin's pale face and added, "You are making her distress."

"What we say is the facts," Amber retorted. "Her sister tarnished the reputation of our family."

Declan, who had just entered the building, froze in the foyer when he overheard their conversation. As molten rage rolled through him, he tightened his grip on the carrying bags. To make Yasmin happy, he had asked Francis to bring gifts for them. But he now regretted it.

He walked over to the hall and dropped the bags on the side of the sofa, drawing everyone's attention.

"Declan," Amber muttered under her breath, her face turning pale at his gloominess. She let go of Sean's hand right away. She was afraid he had heard what she had said.

Tina was equally scared, but she hid her anxiety under her smile. "Declan," she called out to him in her nasal tone and stood up. "I have been waiting for you." She went up to him.

Declan held up his hand and stopped her on the track. He shot a fleeting glance at Caroline and then glared at Amber. It was hard for him to keep his rage in check.

"I have warned you not to bring up this topic, haven't I?" he grumbled. "It seems that you don't pay attention to my words."

"What is there to be upset about?" Caroline said flatly, observing her manicured fingernails. "There is already a history of a woman cheating on her husband in the family. We are just trying to show Yasmin that she can't act like her sister. If she has feelings for someone, she is free to express them. She is not required to deceive you behind your back. We will hire an attorney to file for a divorce."

She threw her a cold stare tinged with a warning.

Yasmin was unsure of what she was trying to convey through that look. Was she warning her never to cheat on Declan? Or was she asking her to divorce him willingly and leave Tina and Declan alone?

"This is the matter of me and her, and I won't tolerate anyone else's interference," Declan snarled, making Yasmin look up at him. He had his fists clenched so tightly that his knuckles were white. Anger erupted like lava, ready to burn him from the inside out.

Caroline knew how to push him to the limit. That was what irritated him about her. He tolerated her only because she was his father's wife.

He wanted to say some more but decided against it as he thought it was useless. He would say something, and she would shoot back, which would only intensify his wrath.

"Come with me." He extended his hand to Yasmin, who took it in a trance. "Let's go meet grandmother." He led her to his grandmother's room.

Declan interlaced his fingers with hers when he sensed her hands trembling. He even brushed his thumb on the back of her hand.

Yasmin looked at him, only to see his blue eyes filled with warmth. She immediately felt relief, the uneasiness disappearing from her heart.

"Grandmother is important to me," he murmured. "She is kind." 'Nothing like the rest of the family,' he wanted to add this, but he said, "You will like her."

"Of course," she whispered back.

Tina's face was extremely ugly as she stared at their retreating forms. She was dying to talk to Declan and ask him why he had agreed to this forced marriage, but he didn't even look at her, as if he didn't care about her. She had initially thought that Declan would never be in this unwanted marriage. He would soon get rid of Yasmin. But her misconception was broken when she noticed his protectiveness towards his so-called wife.

Tina couldn't take it that he had chosen someone so ordinary over her. She thought Yasmin was unsuitable for Declan as well as the prestigious Wilson family. Instead of driving Yasmin out of his life, Declan stood by her side as if he had fallen in love with her.

Shouldn't he marry his childhood sweetheart? But he ignored her. His negligence made her depressed.

Tina had the impression that everything was slipping through her fingers. She wanted to do something to get him back. Throughout her life, she had fantasized about marrying Declan. The title of his wife belonged to her. Nobody could ever take it from her. No amount of force could ever stop her. Declan was hers, and she would reclaim him.

Derrek smirked, looking at everyone staring at Declan and Yasmin in awe. He had returned with Declan but stood in the foyer, watching them argue. He felt strangely satisfied, thinking that simple and childish Yasmin had defeated proud Tina.

Tina would think a thousand times before trampling on someone's ego. Derrek's eyes darkened as he remembered something. When he walked over to them, he had a smile on his face.

"Aren't they look good together?" He emphasized each word, grabbing everyone's attention. "Who would have thought that Declan would start to like his wife so quickly?"

He sat down with an exaggerated sigh, stretching his hands wide on the back of the sofa and crossing one leg over the other.

He directed his gaze at Tina and said, "You should stop thinking about him. Take my advice, and you will be happy in your life."