Chapter 44- The web of nightmare 

It was almost dawn, and the rooster was about to crow. The darkness seemed to grow thicker. Declan was restless while the city was nearly silent.

He had his hand pressed down against his chest, his brow covered with sweat. Over his closed eyelids, his eyeballs could be seen moving left and right. His exhalation was shallow and uneven. His lower lip quivered as if he was trying to say something.

The nightmare returned to haunt him.

He found his younger self confined in a dark room. He didn't like this darkness. Something was hiding behind the shadows. It would reach out and catch him.



He pounded on the door. 'Mom, I am scared…' His voice echoed and quickly faded.

No one came to his aid, and he was unable to open the door.


Then he heard voices coming. It was even more frightening. His father and mother were arguing.


Loud shattering noise startled him.