Chapter 53- A helping hand 

Earl buried his fingers in his hair, trying to figure out what to do. Even if he was inebriated, he had not lost his sanity yet. He was desperate to assist this poor woman. At this point, he thought of going back to the hall and calling someone for help. Then he remembered everyone was busy with cake cutting.

Those people must be busy posing for selfies. They wouldn't listen to him.

A bitter smile crept across his lips.

"I will help you. Don't worry." He assured her.

Earl hit the door with his shoulder. The door jolted a little, and the lock rattled.

He counted one, two, three, and banged. He repeated the process tirelessly, and the door finally swung open after a while.

He almost lost his balance and was about to fall. Fortunately, he was still holding onto the door knob, which kept him from falling. Otherwise, he would have rolled down the stairs.

The phone had stopped ringing by now. It was dark and silent.