Chapter 55- The murder

The waiter came to the study where Tina had asked him to come. He was trembling and didn't lift his head to look at her. He could feel her hot glare on him.

"I gave you a simple task, and you failed to do that," Tina hissed. "Tell me how I should punish you."

The waiter trembled even more. He peeked at her and caught a glimpse of her legs that were planted wide as if she was taking a stance to beat him. He immediately pulled his gaze to the floor.

"I-I-I am sorry, ma'am," he stuttered, his voice as shaky as his body. "I mixed two pills in her drink."

"Fool…" She snarled, cutting him short. "Mixing the sleeping pills into her drink is not enough. Did you make sure she drank it?"

The waiter shook his head frantically.

"Darn." Tina slammed her fist on the table.

The waiter flinched and stepped back, desiring to flee from there.