Chapter 65- An argument between Yasmin and Declan

It was dusk when Declan finally arrived home.

"Sir…" Harry rushed over to him and handed him a towel.

"Where is Yasmin?" Declan asked, his gaze moving to the bedroom upstairs.

"She is not at home. She went to see her parents." Harry stood there with his head bowed, his hands on the front, holding his wrist with the other.

'She again left without informing me.'

Declan felt a spark of annoyance.

Harry peered at him. Looking at his change in expression, he decided to say, "Madam prepared shrimp for you at lunch and waited for you. She looked upset and left without eating."

Declan pinched his nose bridge. He had been busy all day at the hospital and police station. Then he went to talk to his father. When his grandmother insisted on having lunch with her, he couldn't turn her down. To be honest, he had forgotten that he had promised Yasmin that he would return home at lunchtime.