Chapter 78- Meeting Natasha

Yasmin shook her head slowly in disbelief, her fingers touching her lips. "You… you are here… hiding? Why?"

Natasha stepped back, equally shocked, giving a small yelp. "Oh my God!!!"

She stiffened herself, with visible tension in her muscles. Her heart, which had appeared to freeze, pounded once more. The shock and emotion overtook her, bringing tears to her eyes.

Yasmin also sobbed, approaching her. "I was worried about you," she squeaked through her gritted teeth. Her throat was so sore that she had to stop speaking momentarily. "Mommy and dad were furious at you. But they are concerned about you."

Natasha was numb to her surroundings. She temporarily forgot about her present and past. Her memory had returned, and she wanted to tell her everything about why she had fled. But she remained motionless, unable to find words.