Chapter 81- The accusation

Declan was on his way home after meeting with a client at the hotel. Yasmin's presence was unexpected. What irritated him was that she had been spotted with Earl.

He tightened his grip on the steering wheel as he watched her smile and wave to Earl. He calmed himself down by claiming that Yasmin had not lied to him and had not had an affair with Earl. The moment he saw her with him, he got angry and jumped to the conclusion that she was cheating on him.

His worst nightmare became a reality. He had never trusted women and had avoided relationships for years because he didn't want to be cheated on. But he couldn't stop himself from becoming attracted to her and fantasizing about spending his life with her. He had forgotten that she could also deceive him.

Declan's eyes were bulging. He felt as if the heat was coursing through his body. If he didn't get an answer from her, he would explode. As soon as he saw her getting into a cab, he started the engine.