Chapter 100- Failing marriage 

Declan and Yasmin's words of the crisis reached Tina, who was overjoyed to learn that Declan had moved out of the villa and was staying in a hotel. Her long-held desire to see them apart was finally coming true. A little bit of effort could be enough to break their fragile bond.

"This had to happen," she declared confidently. "I knew it from the beginning. Declan will never be able to stay in this forced marriage. This marriage is doomed to fail. The sooner the better."

"What are your plans now?" A thick voice rang out of the phone.

Tina had a sneer on the corner of her lips. She looked at her manicured fingernails and said, "We should take the opportunity to increase the crack between them. Spread the word on social media. I want to hear everyone talking about it by the next morning."

"As you wish, dear. Wait for the show."

Tina hung up the phone, a sinister smirk on her face. "Well, well… I didn't know that their marriage would break so soon."