Chapter 102- He got home but yet to forgive her

It was the end of the day. The sky appeared to be a mixture of red and yellow, making it look like the sun had set fire to the clouds. The street lights flooded the roads. While everyone else was hurrying home, Angus drove down a downtown street. The area became quieter as he drove further, with less traffic and no street lamps.

He was sweating in his air-conditioned car, and his grip on the steering wheel was firm. He checked his rearview mirror to see if anyone was following him.

The road was completely deserted. There was no one ahead of him or behind.

He was shaking. At that moment, he remembered Sean assuring him not to worry. He believed his boss would send people after him. In this empty street, he could see none, not even a dog.

'Where are they?'

He wiped the sweat away from his forehead, relieved that nobody was around. He could sneak away after dropping the bag.

The bag…