Chapter 106- Another threat note

Angus returned home inebriated. He had a good time tonight at the bar with his friends. He needed it after a few stressful days. Humming the tune to which he had danced at the bar, he entered the house.

"Sir…" His housekeeper came up to him.

"You are not asleep yet!" Angus smirked. "Go, go." He waved his hand, signaling him to leave. "I had dinner with my friends."

The housekeeper nodded. "I got a package for you and kept it in your room."

"Okay?" He raised one eyebrow. "I will check it." He walked into the room, humming the song.

A red envelope on the side table caught his attention. He picked it up and flipped it casually.

There was no sender's name. It reminded him of the envelope he had received the day before yesterday. Cold sweat started to form on his brow. The effects of alcohol appeared to fade. His hands were shaking too.