Chapter 138- The slap

Everyone in the Wilson family was worried about Yasmin. Even Caroline and Amber showed concern for her. Whether it was fake or real, it didn't matter at this point. Helena fell sick after hearing it. The family doctor had already arrived to check on her. 

Derrek was the most worried one. He also rushed to the hospital, but because it was late, the nurse refused to let him into the intensive care unit and asked him to return in the morning. He refused to leave without seeing her.

"Please, I won't take much time," he pleaded. "Just one minute."

The nurse exhaled a sigh. "I am afraid I won't be able to let you in. The doctor will soon come for a round. Please, come back tomorrow."

Derrek helplessly stared at the ICU door, which opened and closed as the nurse walked in.

Francis came there, anticipating meeting the doctor. He was taken aback to see Derrek hunched on a chair.

"You are here," he said as he approached him.