Chapter 141- An unexpected meeting

Amber was on her way to catch up with Earl when she felt a firm grip on her arm. She slightly lowered her head and looked down at the familiar big hand apprehending her. When she raised her eyes, she met a gloomy face. She was dragged away before she knew what was happening.

"What are you up to? Let go of me." She looked around the empty lobby. If someone else had done this to her, she would have yelled and gathered dozens of people. But the person who was exerting force on her was Sean, the man she loved.

"Let me go," she grumbled, pinching his arm.

Sean didn't even wince as if he didn't feel any pain. Perhaps anger had dulled his senses. He dragged her out to the parking lot, shoved her inside his car, and jumped into the driver's seat.

Amber gaped at him, stunned and furious at the same time. "I am not going anywhere with you," she refuted. "My husband is still inside."