Chapter 150- The dispute

Amber had come to the hospital for a routine check-up. She was relieved that the fetus was healthy, unlike the last time. However, the gloom still lingered on her face as she couldn't decide what to do. She had been calling Sean to inform him of her pregnancy, but he had been ignoring her calls, as he often did when he was busy at work. It was as if she was unimportant to him in comparison to his work. His promises seemed to be phony, and Amber couldn't put her trust in him. 

'What if he refuses to recognize the child as his own?'

Amber shuddered at the thought. She couldn't even fathom what she would do if he didn't accept the baby. Could she ask Earl to give the baby his name?

Earl had kept himself away from her as if she were something untouchable. Why would he accept her and Sean's child?

She trotted aimlessly in a trance and came to Yasmin's ward.

"Oh, Mrs. Salas. Please come in." A pleasant voice drew her out of her trance.