Chapter 156- The genuine concern

After checking the report and meeting with the doctor, Declan learned that Yasmin was not suffering from amnesia and that she was all okay. All she needed was proper care and a good rest.

Declan was relieved, though his expression was gloomy. He was fooled by his wife. When he was worried about her, she was enjoying making fun of him. Her method of taking revenge was cruel, and he had no idea what else she would do.

With a scowl on his face, he trotted into the ward. He glanced at her, who also looked back at him with her emotionless eyes. This was expected. It was going to be more challenging than he had anticipated. But he was upset with her as well. She should not have lied to him about such a serious matter.

He sank into the sofa, picked up a business magazine that he used to read these days, and began flipping the pages ruthlessly.
