Chapter 160- Who is the father of her baby?

Earl became dead-stopped in place, his fingers slightly trembling. He thought it was Amber. But the woman standing in front of him was Natasha, his love. His face turned pale, then flushed red. He wished he could take her in his embrace. But he just stood there, looking at her in a daze. Natasha had already severed all ties with him and asked him to keep a safe distance from her. She didn't keep any contact with him... no phone calls, no messages.

He, however, was curious about how she was doing and how the baby was developing, his gaze drifting to her tummy unconsciously. When he moved his gaze to her face, he was met with her clear eyes staring right into his. His heart was thumping in his mouth.

He cleared his throat and turned his head to look at Yasmin. His entire body shook with agitation.

Natasha's face was also warm and red. She put her bag on the sofa and turned to face him.

They both continued to stare at each other without saying a word.