Chapter 205- Distraught Declan

Yasmin strolled down the walkway, looking for the park. Her legs were starting to hurt by this point. She bit her bottom lip and continued walking slowly. She finally saw a park on her left after some time.

As she walked in, she saw a myriad of flowering plants and tall trees around her. Butterflies and bees flying all over were fascinating. The breeze was gentle and soothing. When she inhaled, she could detect the fresh scent of different flowers with a tinge of grass mixed with mud and sand. Such a park in the heart of the city could easily draw people's attention and she could see many visitors roaming around.

Her wandering gaze found Declan sitting on a concrete bench a little away from the entrance. His solemn look was palpable from here.

Yasmin went over to him.

Declan gazed up at her, surprised. He didn't expect her to come down here. His face softened after a while. He needed her more than anything else at this moment.