Chapter 211- Meeting with Francis

Francis arrived at the restaurant where Natasha had asked him to meet her. He took his seat opposite her, shaking his head. "I am sorry. I made you wait so long. I was in the police station, trying my luck to meet him, but the cops wouldn't let me."

"Don't bother about me." Natasha brushed off his concern. "What about the bail?"

"It doesn't seem easy to get bail. Mr. Smith is trying." He let out a sigh and pressed his forehead. "Thank goodness that Sir Gerald Wilson has handed his stakes to the boss in his will. Otherwise, Sean would have taken control of the company."

"Take over the company!" Natasha squinted, surprised.

"That's what he is up to all the time." Francis snorted, annoyed. "As the MD and the acting CEO of the company, he fired me and took over all of the projects we were handling. This man is a real headache."