Chapter 214- She owed him a life.

Earl barged into Sean's cabin and discovered him sitting in his seat. Amber was not present, much to his surprise.

'Where has she gone if she isn't here?' This question popped into his head right away. He dumbfoundedly looked at his left and right, debating whether to stay or walk out. 

"What is it?" Sean growled ferociously. He was already mad, and his anger was simply fueled after seeing Earl. "Who allowed you to enter my cabin?"

Earl's awkwardness dissipated as soon as he heard his sharp tone. "Where is Amber?" He also let out a threatening snarl. He didn't care how powerful Sean was or what he was capable of.

"She left."

"Left! Her car is still in the parking area. Where is she?"

"Then go look for her," Sean yelled. "I don't know where she has gone. Get out of here." He waved his hand in a dismissive way.

Earl fisted tight. He wanted to yell back at him, but a bad feeling came over him. His anger dissipated.