Chapter 216- The despair

Amber regained consciousness and found herself lying on a white bed surrounded by white walls. The smell of the disinfectants made her nauseous. She moved her eyes around her and saw the IV drip hanging on the stand beside her bed, the needle inserted into her vein. She was surprised to realize that it was a hospital room.

'Who brought me here?' She slowly sat up and winced at the dull ache in her abdomen.

There was no one in the room who could tell her who had brought her here. Only Sean's name came to her mind.

'Did he find me on the terrace?' She was skeptical. Then she assumed some sweeper or peon had found her unconscious and sent her here.

Amber sneered at her stupidity. She still hoped that Sean would show concern for her. That man's heart had turned stone for the rest of the world.