Chapter 244- Clearing up the misunderstandings

"My signature!" he grunted, a shocked expression on his face.

Yasmin nodded, becoming increasingly perplexed. His flustered expression led her to believe he was unaware.

"Tina came to see me the day I had the accident," she revealed.

"She went to see you!" Declan was bewildered. "That bitch." Anger was stirring within him as he figured Tina had lied to him. "What did she tell you?" he asked, gritting his teeth.

"She said nothing but nonsense. I didn't believe her. What surprised me the most were the divorce papers she had given me. I clearly saw your signature. It was not a fake one."

"I never filed for a divorce. How come I signed that?" He became frozen as soon as he finished speaking. He remembered Tina giving him some documents for the smart port project to sign.

At the time, he had been depressed due to his separation from Yasmin and sleeping with Tina. He had signed many documents without checking them properly.