Chapter 251- Planning for a peaceful life

They rested in each other's arms after a sweet love-making session. Earl appeared to be at ease, while Natasha felt secure.

"You seemed to be unconcerned about the Wilson family," she scoffed. "Aren't you scared of them?"

Earl took his time responding. "I spent all these years repaying Mr. Gerald Wilson's favor. I kept this marriage going despite the hardships because I am grateful to him. But I no longer have to bear this burden. I want to be set free; I want to live my life on my own terms with someone I care about."

He kissed her brow, and she closed her eyes to savor the feeling.

"You, me, and our baby… we will have a peaceful life," he asserted. "I had planned to postpone the divorce until Amber gave birth to her child. But I cannot wait for it now. I am going to file for a divorce soon."

"She seemed unwilling to leave you," she added. "I am afraid she would trouble you."

She had not forgotten what Amber had said that day at the café.