Chapter 292- Yasmin’s worry for Natasha (Part-1)

Caroline slapped her forehead repeatedly, her face twisting in frustration. "What should I do with this ignorant boy? Why could not he see how cunning Declan is? Derrek, Derrek…"

She slumped into the chair, cursing under her breath. She was supposed to check on Amber inside the ward, but she had completely forgotten about her and was fully immersed in thoughts of Derrek and the future.

By the end of the day, Amber was taken to the OT for a C-section. The baby was born at 32 weeks of gestation and was kept in the neonatal care unit.

Earl had come to see her after hearing about the premature birth. He had promised to be there for her whenever she needed him and to look after her baby. Besides, he held himself responsible for it. Her condition would not have deteriorated if he had not gone to see her and pressed her to sign the divorce papers.

He had just gotten out of his car when Declan arrived with Yasmin.