Chapter 327- The test results

Declan got the DNA test results, which revealed that the human remains were not Yasmin's, but that the blood sample that Dante had collected was hers. He breathed a long sigh of relief before returning to his solemn demeanor. He put the report back into the envelope and glanced up at Francis, who was grinning at him.

"Go and ask the doctor to prepare another report," he said, his voice deep and cold.

"Another report?" Francis squinted at him, his smile disappearing.

Declan nodded. "Tell him to change the report. The human remains should be identified as Yasmin's."

"Ah…" Francis smothered a yelp, his eyes bulging. "Are you sure? You want to prove Yasmin is no longer alive!"

"Just do as I say," Declan grumbled, his face darkening. "Never tell anyone about this report. When I say anyone, I mean anyone. Got it."

"I get it," Francis replied frantically. "I will go and ask the doctor to change the report. Anything else?"