Chapter 331- The funeral

It was the day of the funeral. The press had gathered in the cemetery to cover the high-profile murder case. The entire area was heavily guarded, making it difficult for reporters to get a good look at the burial ceremony. But they were tirelessly trying to get a shot of Declan.

Many relatives and family friends were present. Grace and Julia had also come. They were very sad at how depressed Declan looked. They could only say sorry, not knowing how to console him.

Yasmin meant the world to Declan, and everyone was well aware of it. All the guests were sad about Yasmin's death, but they were even sadder when they saw how depressed Declan appeared.

Declan looked around to see if anyone suspicious was nearby, and people around him thought he was distracted because he couldn't forget about Yasmin. He gained a lot of sympathies. He caught a glimpse of Natasha and Earl a little away from here.