Chapter 333- Yasmin’s dilemma

Yasmin found herself on a sickbed when she regained consciousness, the owner of the bakery sitting on a stool beside her, looking strangely at her. She didn't even dare to wince, despite the dull ache in her abdomen. She sat up, enduring the pain.

"Sharon… I-I have no idea how I passed out. I am sorry. I will go back right away and get to work."

Yasmin was afraid Sharon would fire her and ask her to leave. She couldn't afford to stay in a lodge. She couldn't risk losing her job.

"Wait, wait…" Just as she tried to get out of bed, Sharon stopped her. "The doctor advised you to take a rest." Her face contorted the next minute. "You can rest here the whole day. But don't think I will bear the loss. I won't pay you for this month."

Yasmin stifled a gasp. Sharon was extremely cruel. For taking a day off, she docked her entire month's salary.