Chapter 336- The competition

Yasmin wore a baggy sweater to hide her slightly protruding tummy. She frequently experienced abdominal cramps, which worsened when she stood for a long period of time. She was relieved that Sharon helped her with the work even though she spoke harshly to her.

A group of young boys and girls her age walked into the bakery. Yasmin was familiar with them as they were regular customers. She had often noticed them drawing while sitting at the corner tables. She considered starting to draw again after seeing them. That was why she had been putting money aside. But her plan wouldn't be fulfilled since she was pregnant.

With these aches and pains, she assumed she wouldn't be able to work a full day in the coming months. Sharon would undoubtedly reduce her pay. In that condition, she had to use her savings to continue her medications.

She looked at them with envy in her heart. Her attention was drawn to their conversation.