Chapter 351- The generosity

John's smile increasingly grew awkward as he noticed all three people inside the ward staring at him strangely. They all had different expressions.

Declan's eyes were so sharp that he felt like he could cut him in half with his gaze alone. Sharon looked shocked, while Yasmin looked helpless.

He began to wonder if he had said something wrong.

Yasmin laughed, sensing his nervousness. "Your jokes aren't always funny. The room I stayed in was not at all stinky. You know what, Declan…" she turned to her husband and continued saying, "John and Sharon helped me always. They let me stay in their house for free and even paid me to work in their bakery. The most impressive part is that they didn't reduce my pay. Sharon is so good to me. She cooked healthy food for me."

Declan shifted his attention to her. He could tell that she was trying to protect the Chapman couple.