Chapter 357- Reunion of two sisters

"Achoo-Achoo…" Yasmin sneezed as she exited the bathroom after a bath.

At Sharon's house, the bathroom was small and had no bathtub. Yasmin had not had a satisfactory bath for months. Now that she was back home, she filled the bathtub with warm water and soaked herself in it. The aroma of the lavender shower gel was relaxing.

She missed all this and stayed in the water for longer than usual. As a result, she sneezed several times.

Declan, who was getting ready for the office, rushed over to her when he heard her sneezing. He grimaced as he saw her wet hair.

"Dry your hair quickly." He pulled her toward the closet. He took a fresh towel and rubbed her hair.


His frown deepened. "Why did you take so long in the bathroom?"

"Stop scolding me." Yasmin snatched the towel from his grasp and hung it on the hanger. She then pulled out the hair dryer from the drawer and blew her hair.