Chapter 361- Whether or not to continue the relationship

Alexander's expression darkened when he noticed Nicholas crying. The fear was clear in his watery eyes.

His gaze then shifted to Julia, who seemed to be in shock.

"Xander…" Renee approached him, holding Nicholas' hand. "Thank goodness, nothing bad has happened to our Nicholas. He was about to fall into the pool. Luckily, I stopped him just in time."

She turned her burning gaze to Julia and added, "She left him to play alone."

Alexander shifted his attention to Julia, his eyes turning sharper.

Julia shook her head frantically. She wanted to explain herself, but she was so panicked that her voice didn't come out.

"Such carelessness is intolerable," Renee fretted. "Xander, you shouldn't give her Nicholas' responsibility. Instead, we can have a professional nanny look after him."

Alexander clenched his jaw. His face was turning red as anger sparked within him.