Chapter 371- The source of his happiness

Alexander failed to pacify him. Even after several attempts, he couldn't get him to stop crying. It was reassuring that the nanny could persuade him to go outside and play. 

Alexander went back to his room and took a long shower to calm his mind. His resolve had returned. He couldn't give in to his demands. He had to be firm in his decision for the sake of his son's future.

For the rest of the day, he stayed in his study and worked. He had not become distracted this time. When he finally finished his work, it was past dinner time. He went to get something to eat.

"Mr. Griffin." The nanny rushed over to him, her face flushed. "Nicholas is having a high fever. He is not opening his eyes." 

"What?" Alexander rushed into Nicholas' room. He placed his hand on his forehead. "He is burning." He looked at the nanny. "He was fine in the afternoon. How did he get such a high fever?"