Chapter 388- Yasmin’s dissatisfaction

'To avenge Amber,' Derrek repeated in his mind dumbfoundedly. He felt the need to scratch his head. He was confused.

As far as he knew, Tina was Amber's best friend. Unlike him and Declan, Amber liked Tina and always referred to her as her sister-in-law. How did Tina wrong Amber?

It was understandable that they hated Tina. There were many reasons why they hated her. But Derrek couldn't figure out why Earl despised her.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

Declan held his gaze.

The exhaustion was clear on Derrek's face. His eyes were getting smaller. If he dropped himself onto the bed, he would fall asleep soon. But the anxiety and curiosity had kept him going.

For a moment, Declan thought he wouldn't break this shocking news to him. He would let him take a rest first and talk to him later. But he was also aware that Derrek wouldn't stop asking him until he got the answer.

"Amber was killed," he murmured. "Tina pushed her down."