Chapter 393- Driving him insane

Declan became serious. His smile had also disappeared. "The Watsons and Wilsons were friends once. This friendship had become strained because of my father's mistakes. I don't have any grudges against Sean. I want to help him. But I cannot let you go without punishment. I could have forgiven you for everything you had done to me and Yasmin. You crossed the limit by killing my sister."

"Your sister?" Tina scoffed. "Declan, I don't know what you are up to. I cannot trust you. You destroyed the whole gang. You are after Jeremy. You are saying you want to help Sean because you want to make up for your father's mistakes. Really? Do you think I will buy it?"

Declan squared his shoulders and said calmly, "The choice is yours, Tina. You have the option of surrendering to the cops or being killed here." He motioned to Earl. "He will kill you the moment I give him a signal."