Chapter 411- Concern about the growing weight

Declan had an important meeting that required him to go to the office in the afternoon. He wanted to come back as soon as the meeting was over, but some unavoidable work kept him busy. Then he lost track of time and didn't realize dinner time had already passed.

When Francis asked him whether to order the food, he checked his wristwatch.

It was almost 10 o'clock.

"Oh, shit!!!" he exclaimed, shocked. He had planned to go home early and assist Earl with his move but had completely forgotten. Thinking that Yasmin was probably depressed, he became anxious.

"I need to go home. Send the files to my place." He quickly stowed his laptop in his bag and walked out in a hurry.

"The report…" Francis was about to say something, but Declan had already exited the cabin. "It was not ready yet," he murmured. "You needed to check on that."