Chapter 421- The ruckus at the baby shower

Declan became restless ever since he noticed her staring at him. He looked for a chance to go and sit with her, but Julia and Natasha were not leaving her alone for a second. They continued to talk, laugh, and take selfies.


Elliot burst out crying, drawing everyone's attention. Natasha went to check on him and discovered Aron had taken his pacifier once more. She didn't know how to react and then she smiled.

"Why is he crying?" Earl approached them and picked him up. "Don't cry." He wiped his big teardrops away.

"Mm-Mm…" Elliot dropped his head on his shoulder.

"They are hungry," said Natasha.

"Take them to the guest room," suggested Grace.

Natasha pushed the pram into the guest room, Earl following her.