Chapter 425- You will die.

Declan came back into his bedroom and got ready for work. Yasmin slowly approached him. "I saw Julia leave. How do you plan on keeping her secure?"

"She is safe," Declan assured her. "Are you still having pain?" He put his hand on her tummy. Despite the doctor's assurances, he couldn't get the worry out of his head.

Yasmin shrugged. "I am asking about Julia. Don't change the subject."

"I am not changing the subject." He groaned and passed his fingers through his hair. "It is undoubtedly an adverse situation for all of us. But I am always worried about you and the baby. Keep your mind out of it. Only think about yourself. Can you do this for me?" He pushed her hair behind her shoulders and placed his hands on her jaw.

"I want to, but my mind won't let me. It's always rushing towards Julia and Xander." She sighed and pouted. "Julia is an adult. You cannot stop her from meeting her fiancé."