Chapter 446- Fun at a park

Declan returned to his study and called Francis. "You didn't update me on Renee's driver. You didn't even tell me anything about Renee. Are you sleeping?"

"Um… I… am not sleeping," Francis fumbled with his words. "What will I say if there is no news? The driver and his family went to a relative's place. That's what the neighbors said, but they are not sure which relative it is. Our search came to a dead end. We can simply wait for his return."

"Damn…" Declan slammed his fist on the table, enraged that Alexander had taken away the driver and his family.

"Renee has not reached her sister's house yet," Francis said. "She boarded the flight to Singapore but never went to her sister's place. Nobody knows where she is."

"You mean she disappeared," Declan grumbled, grinding his teeth.

"Um… kind of."

"What the fuck?" Declan yelled.

"Don't yell at me. I haven't slept the whole night. I am trying, okay?"