Chapter 454- Sean’s weird demand

Yasmin woke up at the crack of dawn and saw no one inside the room. She groaned as she attempted to sit up, one hand on her stomach and the other behind her back.

The pain was not as severe as the one she had felt the night before.

She swept her gaze across the room, wondering where Declan had gone. She looked for her phone and didn't find it.

She carefully clambered down the bed and went into the washroom.

When she came out after using the restroom, she saw Derrek enter.

Yasmin thought Declan would be staying at the hospital with her, but it was Derrek. She smiled and greeted him despite her disappointment.

"Good morning."

"Morning…" He smiled, but his smile didn't reach his eyes. He put the thermos he had brought with him on the bedside table and said, "Your breakfast… Eat while it is warm. I will be right back."

He was about to leave when he heard her ask, "Is Declan coming?"