Chapter 463- I adore my son above all else.

Natasha felt as if she had exploded into dust. She had never been kissed by anyone but Earl.

This man took advantage of her helpless state and violated her. What she feared was going to happen.

Natasha was dizzy and on the verge of passing out from fear. She couldn't give up. She pulled herself together and tried to get away, using all her strength.

Sean became even more violent after noticing her defiance. He pressed her down beneath him and kissed her more fiercely.

Natasha couldn't move. She was again broken into pieces. Her strength was not comparable to his. She couldn't fight him. When she realized she would be ultimately defeated, she grew weaker.

She sobbed helplessly.

Sean stopped kissing her. He was disturbed to see her cry. But his rage had not yet subsided.

"Stop crying," he growled. "I told you to accept your fate, and your fate is to be mine."