Chapter 476- Sean’s decision

Sean came to the beach and sat down on the sand, staring at the restless waves. When he came here with Natasha the day before, he was full of hope. But he had given up hope today.

His wrongdoings had brought him to this state. He believed he could bring peace and stability back into his life. But he didn't realize that committing a crime would only bring him bad luck.

Because of his vengeance, he had already broken up with Amber. He had never learned his lesson and continued to despise the Wilsons.

After learning the truth about the donor, he could have stopped Tina and asked her to leave. But it was too late.

Tina had stopped listening to him a long time ago. She had started doing whatever she liked. As a result, she died.

Sean had lost his parents when he was a child. His sister was the most important person in his life, and he had lost her too. Unfortunately, he couldn't even save the woman he once loved.