Chapter 479- The challenge

Natasha gawked at him with a gaping mouth. She deduced from his devious smile and challenging words that he had purposefully left the phone.

She was so naive that she didn't suspect it was a trap. She actually became a mean woman to drag Earl into trouble.

"Are you shocked?" he scoffed. "You didn't expect it. Take a look at yourself. You are scared." He smiled scornfully.

"Enjoy as much as you want," she retorted fiercely. "Your end is near. You must believe that by laying a trap for Earl, you will be able to kill him. But there was one thing you overlooked. Karma pays back. Your wrongdoing will lead to your destruction. Your plans will all fail."

"Are you cursing me?" His face fell.

Natasha averted her gaze, not willing to look at him.

"Your hateful stare really hurts."

Natasha looked back at him furiously. The sliver of sympathy that had appeared in her mind vanished.