Chapter 488- The wedding

Clara was ecstatic after regaining her self-esteem. She no longer felt uneasy. She realized the scar didn't diminish her actual beauty, and it was all because of Derrek. Her heart was overflowing with gratitude for him.

"Thank you so much," she said, holding his arm. "Without you, I wouldn't have been able to face the cameras."

She smiled gleefully.

Derrek was not particularly used to hearing such words of gratitude. Furthermore, he did not believe he had done anything extraordinary, such as saving her and her family from gangsters, as his brother had. He'd simply tried to tell her that he liked her just the way she was and that she didn't need to hide in the dark because of her flaw.

"No one is perfect in this world," he said. "Now… if you are done posing for the cameras, shall we go see the wedding ceremony?"

She blushed, self-conscious.

Wedding vows had been exchanged.