
"That's one big shitty portal!" Jason exclaimed in surprise when he looked outside the caravan and saw the massive red portal that was still far from them.

Though they're still very far from their located destination, they could already see the massive portal ahead of them. It could be said that it's much more massive than the highest building ever recorded in earth which stood for over six hundred and seventy nine meters tall while this portal seemed to exceed its height many times more.

"I don't think we could finish this mission within a week." Amy said solemnly as she gaze at the massive portal. Feeling worried.

"Even the cold and eerie atmosphere from the portal has stretched out this far, even though we're still a few hundred miles away from it, it feels like it's already infront of us." Fred mused out as he fixated his gaze onto the portal, worry could be seen in his eyes as well.

When Ares saw the blood red portal from afar, he felt immense excitement within his heart, he, who loves battling more than anyone else, this kind of mission is quite very fitting for him.

So instead of worrying like his teammates, he only felt joy as a smile broke out of his lips. Like a kid who's eagerly wanting to go out and play in the park, Ares's body is trembling with joy.

If not for his teammates fixedly gazing at the red portal that seemed to bewitch anyone who stares at it, they would think that his actually crazy, crazier than anyone else.

Irene who's just infront of him, which he didn't notice, was actually looking at him and couldn't help but shake her head with a hard to discern smile. She then looked at the portal and a deep frown immediately formed onto her beautiful countenance.


Very far away from Ares's group, there's also a group consisting of five figures traveling while riding their horses that was clad in armor.

As Jin gazed at the portal that seemed like a dot for them due to the distance of the portal, he couldn't help but worry for Ares.

He also had battled countless demons and destroyed many portals, yet, this one was the biggest he have ever seen. The same thing could be said to his team. All of them stared at the red dot from afar, a tinge of fear could be seen in their eyes, as their hearts pounded crazily.

"Look at that crazy shit, ain't that big?" A burly man clad in monster skins spoke with a darkened face.

"Indeed, that's the biggest one I've ever seen in my whole life." An old man wearing a pointy hat while his whole body is covered in a maroon colored robe, spoke as if admiring the beauty of the scarlet portal.

"Even though we're a hundred miles away from it I could still feel the ominous air coming out of it." A female spoke fretfully.

"Alright, enough staring let's move on!" Shouted Jin in a commanding tone as he then commanded his horse to move.

After his voice trailed of all the horses galloped in a orderly manner, heading towards the direction of the red portal.

Jin wears a sharp look on his countenance as he stared at the horizon, 'Ares wait for me and I'll smack that head of yours!' he thought as a slight smile broke out of his lips which later on vanished before anyone could even witness it.


"Quick! Command the troops to retreat!" Shouted by a man clad in silver armor. The soldiers were fighting the demons that came out of the massive portal.

The battlefield was stained with blood from demons and humans. The demons continuously spawn out of the portal which made the war seemed endless, this leaded to the humans to fall in despair.

Because of this, many captains, colonels, and major generals was commanded from every kingdom to join in. But because the portal was located far from any kindom, it took weeks for a new batch of fighters to arrive in the war.

By now the captains commanded their soldiers to retreat due to the numerous number of demons coming out of the red portal.

"They just keep coming and coming! There's nk end to this!" Exclaimed by a captain in despair.



Screams from the soldiers rang out through the whole battlefield as the demons chased them maniacally.

"Fuck! Come on lets go!" Jason shouted, their caravan just arrived and the first thing they saw was the demons slaughtering humans as if they were pigs.

Before anyone could even step on the ground they felt a strong gust of wind which made them close their eyes, a white blur could be seen dashing towards the battlefield.

"Ares, wait! We need a plan!" Jason shouted, but it was too late as Ares was already far for him to be heard. This made him sigh, Ares was always too reckless.

Ares who dashed madly at the demons in the battlefield, held his two black short swords in each hand, later on it was the demons turn to scream in pain.

"HAHAHAHA! Come to me all at once!!" Ares shouted with a creepy smile, his eyes burning with battle intent.

As if understanding him, a group of twenty demons attacked him with their weapons.

Ares grinned as he dashed towards their direction, he sliced the first demon in half which caused the demon to fall and bath in its own pool of blood.

He stabbed his two short swords to the next demon and pinned him onto the ground. Letting go of the handle of the swords, he dashed at the remaining demons in a frenzy.

He grabbed two demons from their head and slam them into each other, blood splashed out as their brain parts were littered everywhere. Their body fall onto the ground devoid of any life.

As Ares started his own massacre, Jason and the others also charged in with their weapons in ther hands.

Jason slashed his huge battle axe into a demon, splitting it in half. He then dashed and attacked another one near to him.

A demon sneakily raised its dagger at the back of jason but before it could even execute the attack an arrow pierced its skull.

Anna who stood very far holding her bow, her hair danced freely along the wind as she continuously shoot arrows, everytime the strings quivered a demon will fall onto the ground with an arrow in its head.

Fred who hid himself in the shadow, cuts down the enemies who dares to came near Anna for them to claim her life.

Amy who's just at the back of Anna was casting spells to boost her team's over all battle prowess.

"The demons are getting lesser. All soldiers help the new arrived fighters!!" Shouted by a captain as he too joined in the battlefield.

The battle continued for over six hours without even a single soldier nor one of Ares's team taking a break. By now all of them had an exhausted look on their faces.

"Huuu." Ares took a deep breath after tightening his grip to the heart he took from the demon. His over all appearance seemed very horrifying to look at, his whole body is covered in blood from his enemies.

As his gaze swept through the battlefield he concluded that this war might not end at any moment.

Suddenly, all of them felt a chill ran down their spine, an incredible amount of fear invaded their hearts as all of the soldiers and Ares's group looked at the direction of the massive portal.

A humanoid figure emerges out of the red portal. The figure has a similar appearance to a human the only one thing that distinguishes her from them is her two long horns that spiralled backwards from her temples. She has an exquisite body, a long red hair that falls down freely to her two seemingly perfect buttocks. Wearing a tight and slightly revealing clothings, her two mountain peaks jiggled alluringly everytime her long but tender legs took a step towards the occuring battle.

Even though she is immensely beautiful, no one has the time to admire her beauty as all of them only felt boundless fear from her.

The demoness swept her gaze through the battlefield and her gaze landed on a figure enshrouded in blood staring back at her, a hint of craziness could be felt from his looks. By this, a frown was formed from her beautiful face as she looked at this fellow.

'What's with this guy?' somehow she felt a tinge of fear from him but she quickly brush it off. How could she, a noble demon, be afraid to a lowlife creature such as humans.

Minutes later another silhouette came out of the red portal which greatly shocked the humans, their hearts felt extremely heavy. This figure has a slight resemblance from the female infront of them. He had sharp look as he surveyed around the battle with his scarlet colored eyes. Just like the female he also had a horn that spiralled backwards, but compared to the female, his is slightly shorter. The man was clad in a seemingly noble garments which further enhanced his good looking features which is stained with arrogance.

"It seems that there are some pest that needs to be exterminated." The man spoke coolly as he gaze at the human covered with blood without masking his disdain to him. The two demons exuded a demeanor of nobility as well as extreme arrogance as if they were born with it.

Ares grabbed his two short swords that was pinning a demon to the ground and ran towards the two newcomers. Many demons fall lifelessly to the ground when they're neck met Ares's cold swords.

Before Ares could take another step forward, a figure emerges out, but this time the size is comparable to a five story building, it has the built of a gorilla, a head of a lion, and a pair of wings, in its shoulder blades, that seemed of an eagle.


After the creature emerges, another one of its kinds followed out of the portal, after it another one followed and so on. A total of eight massive demons of the same kind emerges out of the portal, all of them roared menacingly.

The monstrous creatures roared declaring they're arrival. All the humans in the battlefield only felt despair in their hearts. Before a new troops of soldiers arrived wouldn't they've already died? All of their hope in winning had already dissipated when they saw the massive creatures coming out of that red portal.

Ares paused on his charge, feeling the heavy atmosphere the two siblings gave of as well as the group of massive demons heavy pressures, he felt the pressure is getting stronger and stronger as he get nearer to them.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as if inhaling the aura around him, as he exhaled a maniacal smile broke out of his face as he continue his charge but this time, more fiercer and wilder in slaughtering the demons in his way.

He was like a cannon, destroying everything that's obstructing his path as he charged forward unceasingly.

The eight massive creatures noticed that Ares's charging at their direction, the biggest and looked more fiercer of them all which was the one who came out of the portal, seems to be the leader as he deeply growled to them, ordering his subordinates. After hearing their leaders command all seven of them rushed at the direction of Ares.

Ares clutched the hilt of his swords tightly, a reddish glow could be seen in his eyes. There is no fear, despair nor weakness in his firm scarlet eyes, on the contrary excitement and thirst for more and intense battle was evident in his eyes.

Seeing the human crazily charging at them without even faltering in his steps, the demonic man couldn't help but to form a frown in his countenance. 'this lad seems to not know what death is, what's more is that i felt a huge amount of bloodlust contained inside that fragile body of his.' he mused in his heart as he observed Ares.

The first giant demon arrived infront of Ares and slammed both of its fist onto the ground he was standing in, this kind of attack caused the earth in the area to shook violently and those demons in the area of the attack was immediately turned into a meat paste.

Before the beast could even retract its fist, he felt an immense sensation of pain coming from his pair of arms.

Ares was profusely slashing the beast's fist until its bone was completely exposed. The beast let out a painful roar as it could no longer has the ability to move the muscles in its arms.

Ares then jumped up in the air and slashed the giant demon's neck, a huge slit was formed in its neck as its head almost fall off from the body. Blood then sprayed in the air, forming a bloody mist around the area.


Angered by the lost of their comrades, they continued on and attacked Ares with all of their strength, their giant fist shoot out with great speed as the earth trembled violently everytime their fist landed into the ground.

Ares evaded the attacks of the giant beasts not letting a single fist hit his body. A fist landed Infront of him, seeing this he took the opportunity to ran and climb up to the arm of the beast and upon reaching the shoulder he dashed at the neck of the beast, killing it in a single blow. This may took time to describe but that single attack had occured in just a matter of a couple of seconds to be executed.

The eyes of the giant demons began to look more terrifying as they watch their brethren fall onto the earth lifelessly.

In just span of ten or so minutes two of their kinds had fallen and the two of them died at the hands of a single person.

"That fellow seemed to be powerful. If we brought him to the underworld and nurtured him well, he might be on par to those higher level nobles. Of course, we need to enslave him first" the man spoke a tinge of laughter could be seen in his eyes as he smiled mockingly at Ares.

The demoness sat on a throne she created moments after the seven giants attacked Ares, the throne was made out of the blood of the humans that died in the area.

The demoness' glanced at Ares before closing her eyes, no one knows of the thoughts that are forming inside her mind.


A painful growl escaped the mouth of the giant beast as his right leg fall from his body. Before it could even look at the perpetrator who caused its anguish. His head exploded, blood and brain matter emerged out of his head as Ares punched it with all of the strength he could muster.

By now there were only three giant demons who's original number was seven before attacking Ares. Ares looked at the remaining beast with a cold glint in his eyes.

The trio held a wary look, this human just massacred four of their brethren, how could they not be cautious now?

Ares smield and an arrogant look climb up his countenance as he shouted, "Kneel before me, and I shall spare your little life!"

The trio looked at each other as if contemplating the words of Ares. They may look barbaric and seemed to not have basic intelligence. But they're a high-class demons who's mind is comparable to an adult human so they understood the words spoken by the human before them.


Their leader who's watching from the front of the portal roared as it dashed towards Ares, the expression on the lion headed gorilla was very unsightly to behold.

The beast felt that his authority is being challenged by a mere human. He want his subordinates to follow him after slaying a few of their own kind Infront of them? Is this human even sane?

"Hmmp!" Ares snorted as he raised his sword in a throwing manner, seconds later he threw the sword fiercely, the sword seemed to be a laser that shot out from him as it's speed was even too much for the eyes could follow.


The head of their leader was blown into many tiny pieces as its body still continue to take a few steps before falling onto the ground.

The eyes of the noble man widened slightly as he spoke, "It seems that we have underestimated the human forces this time. I incinerate him out of our sight."

After saying the thoughts he had to voice out he began walk towards Ares. A calm but terrifying aura seeped out of his eyes as he stared disdainfully at him.

Ares stared at the man, his body couldn't help but tremble. His heart thumoing wildly, he wore a smile that seemed to mask the fear he's currently feeling.

Held the hilt in his grasped tightly as he tried to brush the fear away. Right now his experiencing a feeling that he doesn't want to feel ever again in his life. Weakness.

The feeling of being close to a tyrannical being is different when it's afar. This time he could feel the overbearing pressure the man before him exuded. It's almost suffocating him to death!

"Fuck it! let's fucking go you bastard!" He shouted with a resolute glimmer in his scarlet eyes.

The handsome man held out his right hand and a breath later, a silver rapier coalesced in his palm. He then increased his pace as he positioned the rapier in his grasped in a battle position, readying himself for the incoming Ares.