The meeting

Raya was far slower to enter the president's office and didn't seem at all interested in what he wanted to say to them.

Gradually each of the students walked into the president's office, the last one to enter being Raya who seemed completely uninterested in what the president had to say.

The president's room was extravagant with famous paintings of warriors and mages surrounding every inch of it, these were the graduates from this very academy. The room was painted completely white and not a spec of dirt or dust could be seen, it was almost as if this room had just been made.

The president slowly walked to his chair and gently leaned against his desk. Then raising one of his hands he pointed to the 30 chairs which were directly in front of him."Please, take a seat."

Once everyone had sat down the president lent down and opened one of the drawers of his desk. He then pulled out a book that looked as if it had been around for 100s of years.

"What I am about to show and tell you must not leave this room, and if I learn that any of you have disclosed this information…" A burst of lightning-infused mana launched out of the president. "I will have you killed!!! Is that understood." As he glared straight at the students, almost every single one of them nodded and shivered in fear, even Oscar showed signs of fear, he needed to bite his lips to the point of bleeding just to deal with the fear. The only ones who seemed unfazed were Raya, Druak, and one other individual who completely concealed their face with a mask, almost as if they were from a masquerade ball.

Slowly the president opened the book and as he did so a rush of black mana poured out from it, this mana wasn't like the Lich's nor was it like the strange energy the orc he had encountered in the forest used.

'Wait I recognise this mana… It can't be.'

Just as Druak realised the cause of the burst of mana the president blurted out something Druak wished he hadn't. "This book holds the key to finding the black dragon's nest… And I am assigning all of you on a mission to capture one of its eggs." Everyone shot out of their seats in shock, including Druak and Raya.

Raya's face distorted in anger, as she yelled "What the hell are you thinking! A dragon egg is something that is sacred and should never be touched by a fil…" Raya stopped suddenly and sat back on her chair, it seemed she realised she had lost her calm as not long after sitting down her rage-filled expression quickly turned back to being as cold as ice.

'That's a first. I don't think I've ever seen her without that cold expression. Although I guess that might just be because I haven't really seen her, other than on rare occasions.

The president seemed to ignore Raya's outburst and continued on with what he was previously saying. "This task will require you to do far more training than your other students so I will permit all of you to not participate in the monthly missions that are normally required."

Unlike other academies the Griffon academy worked slightly differently, instead of their students being stuck within the academy walls till they graduated, the Griffon academy would instead have one week's worth of teaching, which was done inside the academy halls, followed by a mandatory mission that would normally take up to 2 to 3 weeks in order to complete. These missions could involve anything from working in the army to hunting down monster nests near villages.

Noticing that the president was done with what he had said Druak decided to ask a question."Do we have to skip the missions or can we still participate even if we don't have to." This was an important question for Druak as he still had many things he had to prepare for outside of the academy, one of them being the orc attack on his village which would happen in a few months' time.

The president didn't even bother to answer the question, simply looking at Druak as he scoffed.

"Look at that commoner. Not even the president wants to talk to him."

"What do you expect. When I was asking about how he got into the top 30 I found out that he just got lucky and found some orc scouts. He doesn't deserve to be here with us nobles."

Krane Adder heard these comments and a smile grew on his face as he thought.'That right peasant. Learn your place and realise that you merely got here by luck and when the chance comes I'll squash you like the bug you are. I can't believe this peasant was able to stop my cousin, guess I'll have to deal with him later.' All the nobles assumed Druak's silence as an act of defeat after realising how inferior he was to them.

'Guess you can't learn anything from these snobs. I'll just have to learn everything on my own.' A faint smile appeared on Druaks face as he nodded his head in dissatisfaction.

Druak however hadn't noticed that it wasn't all the noble but just the majority. In fact, one specific redhead was glaring straight at Druak, and unlike her normal disgusted expression which she often had towards most people she looked at, she for once looked intrigued. Her eyes glinted a fiery red as she rested her hand on the sword by her waist and continued to intently stare at Druak. She would always rest her hand on her blade whenever she was wary of someone and this time was no exception.

'Just who is that commoner and why is his mana so pure.' Unlike most Raya could see Druak's mana running through his mana veins and it seemed far too pure to be coming from someone so you. 'Even my mana isn't that pure. It even reacted… no that doesn't matter right now. For now ill just have someone investigate him.

Raya quickly realised that her gaze on Druak was getting attention, as she saw Krane looking at her angrily. She automatically assumed this aggression was pointed at her and not Druak so she stopped staring at Druak and sent a wisp of mana at Krane. She aimed the mana straight at his eyes causing him to wince in pain, to the point where it was loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

Raya had used an advanced level of magic to conceal the strength of her mana and its form only changed once it was too late, this left Krane completely caught off guard and when Krane had tried to stop what appeared to be only a wisp of mana, he was instead struck by and fiery mass of mana that struck him straight in the eye.

"You b*tch!!" Krane yelled as a magic circle began to appear before him.

Raya ignored this, and looked at the president, her cold tone sliced through the room as she said. "Are we done here, I have things I must attend to."

The president looked at her and nodded, which surprised the students as despite her arrogant tone the president didn't seem to do anything.

She slowly turned to look at Krane as she muttered."Disgusting." She then clicked her fingers, sending a pulse of fiery mana out. Within a matter of seconds, Krane's magic circle shattered, stopping him from casting the spell he was preparing.

"Oi, b*itch. Get back here and tell me what you did to my summoning magic."

Raya ignored him and continued to walk away as if Krane was nothing more than a fly.

Krane couldn't take the humiliation. He charged straight toward her, but before he could even take a second step she had already disappeared.

'Just who is she.' Druak thought as he walked out of the president's office.

Not long after Raya and Druak left the other nobles followed, each plotting away in hopes that they could gain something from this dragon egg hunt. The thing about Dragon eggs was that they weren't the only thing valuable that you found in a Dragons nest. There were monster corpses, rare plants, and so much more.

Unlike the other students, which were thinking about the treasures and riches they could get, Druak was thinking about something completely different after learning of the Dragon egg, and that was. 'That Dragon egg will cause disaster for this kingdom. I have to find a way to stop them.' Druak had already experienced the devastation caused by stealing this Dragon egg. In his past life, just this one action had caused the great black dragon to destroy the entire academy, along with countless castles and villages.

If Druak wanted to stop this he had to come up with a plan to trick the academy... And fast, before it was too late.