Bruised and beaten

After his meeting with professor Ronald, Druak rushed straight to Isaac's room. However, after walking for a minute or two Druak realised. "Wait, I don't even know where Isaac's room is." After realising he didn't even know where his best friend's room was Druak ended up going around the entire 1st-year dorms asking other students if they knew where Isaacs's room was.

Druak continued asking around when a girl suddenly approached him, she was much shorter than Druak and seemed incredibly shy. The girl tugged at Druaks uniform and softly asked. "Are you one of Isaacs's friends."

Noticing how uncomfortable she was with speaking to him Druak tried to control his intimidating appearance by gently smiling towards her. "Yes. Me and Isaac came from the same village. By any chance do you know where his dorm room is."

"Why's he smiling like that. It's scary." The girl unintentionally muttered.

Druak grabbed his chest. 'Critical hit.'

'Am I really that intimidating. It's my dad who's intimidating, not me.'

Even when Druak was young he never noticed how the majority of kids used to always be afraid of him, Druak had always assumed that it was his dad that they were afraid of and not him, which led to Druak never realising how scary he could look, especially with that maniacal smile of his.

"If… if I… take you to Isaacs's dorm room… can you not hurt me." The girl muttered, as she slowly stepped away from Druak.

Druak sighed as he put his hand to his head and said. "I've got no plans on hurting you. I just want to have a talk with my friend."

The girl began to lead the way, and after walking a large distance away from Druak she began to realise that she had misunderstood him because of his aggressive-looking face. Slowly she got closer to Druak and softly said. "Sorry for being afraid of you just because of your looks."

Druak merely smiled at her and continued following, as he didn't want to do anything else that would make this girl misunderstand. This however backfired as the girl began to think that Druak hated her. She came to this conclusion because she thought that Druak not speaking was because he was trying to ignore her, and this led to her distancing herself once again from Druak. This continued until they reached Isaac's room where she ran off instantly after reaching there, not saying another word to Druak.

'What a strange girl. She seems nice though, and thanks to her I now know where Isaac's dorm room is. But why does a girl know Isaac's room number when the girl and boy dorms are separate… Oh well.'

Walking up to the door Druak knocks on Isaac's dorm room, but even after knocking three times still doesn't seem to get a reply. Druak knocks for the fourth time.

"Isaac, it's Druak. You in there."

Finally, Druak gets a response. The door slowly opens and Druak is greeted by a battered and bruised Isaac, who is still covered with fresh blood. "Sorry for not responding…" *Cough* Isaac spits out blood as he tries to welcome Druak in.

Isaacs's body was covered in bruises and dried blood which had came out of the multiple cuts all over his body. Druak instantly knew this was caused by multiple people, as no matter how much someone tried they would always have a specific fighting style, and the cuts on Isaac's body were too different to be done by a single person.

"What the hell happened to you! Who were the ones that did this! I'LL BEAT THE SH*T OUT OF THEM!!!"

Ignoring how aggressive Druak was being, Isaac gently smiled towards him and jokingly said. "Don't worry. I was just a bit reckless during training. Nothing different from you right"

Druak already knew that what Isaac said was a lie, but the way Isaac hid this from him made Druak think it was far more serious than what he originally thought. For now, Druak wouldn't pursue this matter, as he already had an idea of how to get it out of Isaac. For this reason, Druak didn't ask any questions knowing that it would only make Isaac more on guard and less likely to reveal what had happened to him.

Isaac seemed to want to change the subject as he jokingly asked."So what are you doing here. You haven't been here since we joined the academy. I thought you forgot about me."

As Isaac spoke Druak could see him wince in pain, which only made Druak want to ask what happened more. Despite this Druak by digging his nails into his hand, as he knew the type of person Isaac was and knew that Isaac would hide what actually happened as he did when Druak first asked, only making a joke out of the incident.

This was the only way Isaac could cope with any problems after his parents died, for fear that if he troubles anyone around him it would only lead to them leaving him like his parents did.

Druak reluctantly asked. "I've been given a mission and need some help. That is if you are feeling up to it."

With a giant grin on his face, Isaac responded. "Of course. When are we leaving."

"I'm hoping to leave today, but we're gonna need some supplies… and looking at the state of you it might be a good idea to go to the potion shop for some healing potions."

After discussing with each other they decided on where they needed to visit. Druak waited outside of Isaac's room, waiting for Isaac to get out of his bloodied clothes. Once Isaac was done both of them started heading to their first destination, the potion shop.

As they walked toward the shopping area of the academy both Isaac and Druak noticed something, unlike during classes there were 2nd and third years that were roaming the shopping area. The majority of 3rd years seemed to all have their own shops and worked under professionals that worked for the academy.

Other than the occasional disgusted face Druak and Isaac didn't encounter any problems and made it to the potion shop rather quickly. Once there both of them were amazed by the intricate way in which the building was made, and when they entered they were even more amazed as they instantly felt a rush within them just from the fumes of the potions that were displayed.

'This place is unbelievable. I don't think I've ever seen so many mid-tiered potions, even in my past life.'

Druak was so amazed by his surroundings that his curiosity got the better of him and he ended up approaching one of the cases with a mid-tiered potion within it.

"Oi. Peasant. Get your filthy hands away from there."

Turning around Druak was greeted by an old woman whose face was bright red in rage and before Druak could even respond she had already grabbed Druak by the shoulder and started shoving him out of the shop.

The voice of a middle aged man could be heard a distance away from the conflict. "What on earth is going on here." Barely a moment after the voice could be heard a middle aged man wearing a white dirtied lab coat walked out from the back door of the shop.

The old woman rushed towards the man, quickly bowing her head to him. "Mm… Mr Draught. This peasant was trying to touch one of your masterpieces without even having the capability to pay for it."

The man began to rub his long beard and looked towards Druak. "Hmm." He then looked towards the old woman, stopped stroking his beard. "You know that I'm a peasant too, right."

"Wha…" The old woman was flabbergasted but realised that if she didn't act quickly she could lose her job and possibly much worse. "I… I apologise… I didn't mean it that way…"

The old man didn't even let her finish as he shouted. "GET OUT."

Thinking she had already lost it all, the old woman no longer held in what she wanted to say."You… You… I'll make you pay for this, you disgusting peasant."

The old woman hadn't worked here for long and only came here after a recommendation from one of her noble friends. This led her to believe that she was working for a nobleman as she believed that only nobles could get a position within the academy however, this man's exceptional abilities made it so he was one of the few exceptions.

The old man ignored the woman's outburst and approached Druak, bowing once he was in front of him. "I truly apologise for that horrendous display. That was a new employee that I haven't managed to interview properly due to how busy I've been. I promise you that if you ever visit again you won't have to see such an ugly display."

Druak smiled as he reciprocated the bow. "With someone as famous as you, it makes complete sense that you are so busy."