Progress and Stress


The rocks which Druak had been training with for the past almost an hour, which previously had next to no damage on it, now had a giant gaping hole in it and was covered in a layer of frost. 

"Now that was what I was after."

After casting the spell he was after Druak tried to repeat the same casting method, which he failed a few times, but after constant trial and error he was able to repeat the spell again, this time it was slightly weaker than the first but it was still progress so Druak couldn't complain.

"So I need to cast the three ice bolts at the same time while rotating them at the same speed around each other otherwise the spell fails. This is gonna be difficult to perfect since if I make even a single error in one of the bolt's rotation speed it will end up colliding with the others and cause the spell to explode in mid air before it even reaches my target."