Beginning of the Subjugation

Druak woke up the following day wondering when he had fallen asleep and who had put a blanket over him. However, Druak didn't think about this for long as moments after he woke up the sound of drums began echoing throughout the encampment. 

This was shortly followed by the voice of Julien Rune, the man who was leading this subjugation mission. "All students are to arrive at the edge of the forest within 20 minutes, any who are late will be instantly disqualified from participating in the subjugation mission."

The sound of students rummaging through their belongings resounded through the entire Griffon academy encampment. Everyone began rushing to get everything they could before they went into the forest.

Druak was no exception, as he began grabbing all the potions he had prepared before leaving the academy. He then went over to the rocks which were on his desk and began putting them in small ball cases, only putting two rocks in each casing.