Mr. Who?

Seated inside Haru's car, they set off to drive to the promised location as Haru kept her hands steady on the steering wheel. The dinner today had been planned 2 weeks earlier, waiting for all three friends to have a common schedule. The roads were crowded for some reason and the sun had completely set.

"Why don't you join the pediatrics department?" Haneul asked while sulking. "Let's switch jobs."

"Neurosurgery is harder. Instead of children, you get scary old people." Haru said. "Scary old people are scarier."

"But there's all age groups too. It's not inconsistent." Haneul sulked.

"You chose it for yourself," Haru sarcastically smiled. "Suffer."

Haneul faked an enthusiastic laugh which slowly died down to reality.

"What about your belated patient with strange bowel movements?" Haneul asked.

"Oh that Mister," Haru snorted. "He wasn't my patient. He was in the ER and the ER doctor was away."

"Ah, what became of him?" Haneul asked.

"I prescribed him some meds and called it a day." Haru chuckled. "Funny man, he was dressed formally."

Haru pulled the brakes of the car in front of the promised Chinese restaurant. Today they were going to go all out on Chinese cuisines. The two left the car after parking it and made their way inside where their friend was already waiting for them. The restaurant was crowded but they were able to spot their friend right away.

"Youngsoo-ya!" Haneul excitedly ran towards her friend, screaming his name and hugging him tightly right away.

Youngsoo quickly tried to push her away when Haru climbed over the two to intensify the hug even more. He gasped for air while the two women squeezed his soul out of him.

They waited two long weeks to bully Youngsoo, how could they let the opportunity go by this easily?

"Please, in the name of your future husband, let me go!" Youngsoo screamed for his life.

Haneul quickly let him go with a grim frown on her face as he mentioned her 'future husband'.

"That makes me wanna suffocate you but I'll let you go this once." Haneul sulked before taking her seat.

"You angered her right away, good job." Haru teased Youngsoo before letting him go and took her seat.

Youngsoo exhaled deeply, trying to catch his breath before sitting down.

"I already placed the order." He said under his breath.

Youngsoo was extremely sensitive to touch but that gave his friends an excuse to be extra touchy with him, hence the hug. He was a veterinarian and the three used to be classmates in highschool so their friendship went a long way.

"So, so," Youngsoo finally caught his breath. "Start explaining, Miss." He smirked.

Youngsoo had cold features, messy and curly light brown hair with cold, striking eyes. He was extremely germophobic and touch sensitive, most probably the biggest baby Haneul and Haru could ever raise.

"Can we like, eat first?" Haneul tried to push the topic further.

"Nopes," Haru furrowed her brows. "I literally waited all day for this moment."

"The food is gonna take a while, Kim Haneul." Youngsoo muttered, "Start talking."

Haneul sighed. She wasn't sure where to start. Her handbag was still placed on her lap so she picked it up and hung it at the corner of her chair. She leaned towards the table, interlocking her hands together as if a mastermind planning someone's demise. But no, that wasn't it. She was just deciding whether or not she should share her sudden piquing interests in her new blind date.

If things didn't work out, she knew her friends wouldn't let the opportunity of turning the situation into an inside joke go to waste. Would she rather be a laughing stock for life? Or get the burden off her chest?

Succumbed to the moments, she chose the latter.

"Well," She muttered, "He's a nice man." She added.

"That's it?" Youngsoo let his face fall, showing the most unamused expression possible.

Haru smirked before quickly grabbing Haneul's phone from the table. Haneul reached her hand out for it but it was too late.

"Let's see your search history." Haru smirked, Youngsoo leaning towards the phone in excitement as well.

"I hate you." Haneul let the two do as they pleased and laid back in her chair.

Haneul's phone had both Haru's and Youngsoo's fingerprint; not out of real friendship but out of laziness. It was when she bought her current phone and forgot to set wallpapers, widgets or anything at all because her work schedule was all broken. Then her friends came to her rescue and set everything up for her.

"Yeom Tae," Haru read while chuckling, making her usual smug face. "Yeom Tae height?" She burst out laughing.

"You saw him in person and still wanted to see how tall he was?" Youngsoo chuckled slowly.

"No, I wanted to compare him and Haru, you know?" Haneul tried to put it off at her short friend. "It's a habit." She spoke full of impudence.

Haru stuck her tongue out for a split second before shifting her gaze back to the search history.

"Gearhead Game Studios?" Haru raised an eyebrow. "Sounds familiar."

"Oh my God, GG Studios?!" Youngsoo exclaimed with surprise.

Haneul blinked her eyes a few times, "What about it?"

"Ah!" Haru was able to put a finger on them. "Aren't these the ones with the best selling FPS?"

"Yeah, we tried it together last year." Youngsoo said, "Damn he's the CEO?" He raised his head to look at Haneul. "You better introduce me to him soon."

Haneul felt a little proud after seeing her friends' reactions to Yeom Tae. Maybe marrying him wasn't going to be all that bad after all.

"Haru, show me his face." Youngsoo muttered, his eyes glued to the phone.

Haru quickly opened up the images tab on the search engine and opened his picture. Her eyes quickly narrowed, then widened.

"Damn he's good looking too." Youngsoo said as he stared at the picture.

But Haru was left shaken.

"What's wrong?" Haneul asked.

"Mr. Bowel Movements…"