
After making sure the cat was safe and sound, ready to be discharged for good, Haneul made her way back to her house. She was glad the cat woke up before the sun had set as she wouldn't want her friends driving with sore and puffy eyes during the evening, especially when no one trusted her to be the one driving.

Her chauffeur did appear, obviously to pick her up, but they insisted driving back themselves. Haneul asked them to share their live locations with them because she was too worried. Her chauffeur stopped the car briefly because of the red signal. At that moment, Haneul was too wallowed in her phone, staring at her friends' locations. Suddenly, the black tinted window of her sedan was knocked twice.

"Haneul-ssi?" The chauffeur informed her.

She raised her eyes to look at the rearview mirror. The chauffeur had a strange expression. Haneul narrowed her eyes and turned her head to the side while the chauffeur brought the windows down.

The man outside cleared his throat. "Let me in, the signal is about to go off."

Haneul scoffed, squeezing to the other side to let the man, Yeom Tae in. The chauffeur opened the doors, allowing Yeom Tae to sit inside, then off they drove.

"Fancy seeing you here, no?" Yeom Tae chuckled.

"Not really fancy to be honest." Haneul sounded stern.

Yeom Tae curled the side of his lips and looked into the rearview mirror.

"Can we change our destination?" Yeom Tae asked. "We're going to the cafe near the Kim household instead, is that okay?"

"S-Sure." Haneul unwillingly said, then quickly pressed her lips together.

She hated that she was never able to say what was on her mind straight to him. She always seemed to agree to whatever he said. Strictly speaking, she didn't mind going to the café with him. But she wanted her opinion to be out as well. The chauffeur drove them to the café in the society where Haneul lived. Her house wasn't too far from the café either so it was a perfect location since she was originally headed towards her house.

They reached the café in complete silence but that was because the sky was stormy. It was full of dark clouds that hid the sun. The streetlights had to be turned on since it was afternoon, and yet so dark. The car stopped and the chauffeur opened the doors for the two.

Haneul got off and looked directly at the sky. It was so dark and grim, but the cold summer breeze was pleasant.

"Shall we?" Yeom Tae walked over to her and offered her his hand.

How could she even reject such a courteous man? She reached for his hand, letting him hold hers as they walked towards the café. She felt strange. For a week, they had only shared gifts without any word. Coincidentally, she had worn the necklace today, and he had worn the watch. They had both noticed it and shared glances.

Since the sky was stormy, the café was empty, as if most people had rushed towards their houses. But the stormy sky only made the café cozier and more comfortable.

They chose a table next to the glass window and the balcony after Yeom Tae placed the order for both of them.

"I come here often," Yeom Tae informed her while pulling the chair towards himself so she could sit, pushing it right back as she sat. "So I want you to try what I get."

"S-Sure." Haneul muttered.

Haneul didn't really know how to react. She had brought this upon herself by giving him the watch instead of a small thank you text. It would've been different that way since now he wasn't mentioning the gift and neither was she.

The scent of the cloudy and moist sky was interconnecting with the scent of the slow brewing coffee. It was really pleasant, minus the awkward silence.

Yeom Tae slid his hand inside his coat's inner pocket, catching Haneul's attention instantly. She narrowed her eyes while slowly only tilting her eyes towards him to make it look unnoticeable. But her attention was visible even when his eyes were looking inside the pocket. She was adorable in her own ways, he almost chuckled but repressed it out of courtesy.

He took a small box out of his pocket and placed it on the table. Haneul pretended not to dwell on it, but all her attention was saved for the little black box. She already knew what was inside, and with what intention, but she still wanted to see it for herself.

"Haneul." There it was. The way he spoke her name really made her nervous, with a strange tingling and warm sensation in her stomach.

Then his hands reached out for the box to open the lid but Haneul instinctively put her hands on top of his, making him raise an eyebrow and look at her flushed, shy, and nervous face. He couldn't help but chuckle this time. Sorry Ms. Courtesy, not today.

"I reckon you're not ready yet." Yeom Tae gently smiled. "My bad then." He said while slowly sliding his hand holding the box from right underneath her hands, shoving it back inside his inner pocket. "My intention was to make sure you don't return the gift though." He chuckled.

Haneul hesitantly pulled her arms back. "So you didn't like the watch?" She asked, looking away.

Somehow, she felt bad for rejecting his heartfelt proposal, which hadn't even started. That was abrupt of her, definitely not in her principles.

"If I didn't like it, would I wear it?" Yeom Tae asked, his eyes oozing sincerity. "I just want you to be the one accepting."

"I like gift wars." Haneul said. "If you want me to wear that ring, you will have to accept one yourself."

Wait what? Haneul felt her cheeks go warm after saying something unintentionally.

"Really?" Yeom Tae smiled. "I am ready to accept it then."