Friends <3

Haneul slowly nodded, noticing the seriousness in Yeom Tae's eyes. He had mentioned how his parents were from Gwangju and had moved to Seoul because of the Gwangju uprising. She still wanted to believe he was joking, but his seriousness said otherwise.

"So, there's Mafias in our country?" Haneul gulped.

"And my family is one of the biggest clans." Yeom Tae clenched his teeth while saying.

"What about this marriage then?" Haneul asked, "What do you mean by a contract?"

Yeom Tae sighed and loosened himself. All this tension was killing his back.

"Okay so, listen carefully." Yeom Tae said, "There were a bunch of Mafia clans in the late 70's to 90's. The Gwangju Uprising happened because the Government and Mafias clashed, okay?" He started explaining. "A lot of clans died out and only a few were left which stayed low and moved to other cities. My family is one of the clans that migrated."