5 million won worth of regret

"The good news is," The police officer continued. "The victims will settle for compensation." 

The victims nervously nodded, scared to death of the woman sitting in front of them. 

Yeom Tae nodded, "How much?" 

Haneul tried her best to keep her eyes away from Yeom Tae, but she could feel his eyes glued to her. She wondered if he was angry. His voice was calm and neutral so it was hard to tell. 

The victims settled in for 5 million won after seeing how Haneul was married to a big shot. Chaehyun and the man received the money right away from Yeom Tae by bank transfer and made their exit. Chaehyun didn't even pay a single glance to Youngsoo while leaving with the man, arms linked and all distances closed.